Google is Against Automatically Generated Content

Google is Against Automatically Generated Content

March 09, 20233 min read

Amidst the much-heated discussion on AI-generated content, where do you stand, and where does Google stand? Are you in sync?

 We’ve established that Google does NOT like automatically generated content. With AI detector tools in the market, Google has its own AI detectors that enable it to penalize such content. 

According to Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller automatically generated content is considered spam, irrespective of the tool used.

Detecting Automatically Generated Content 

Take a look at this example - We generated a content piece on Digital Marketing and the AI generator caught on immediately.

AI generated

Now let’s moderate this same piece manually.

human moderate text

AI generates content based on predictions and AI detectors detect this prediction algorithm. Manually moderating your content and making it valuable for your readers will help you keep your website safe from penalties.

Here is a comparison of a paragraph written by AI and one moderated by a human.


The green highlight you see here is all predictive text, generated by AI. The text written by AI is much more green than the one written by human. The detection is not always foolproof but a good indicator nonetheless.

Google is becoming increasingly better at detecting automatically generated content, so it is better to have some tricks up your sleeve to ensure quality content.

How to Create Content that Google Loves

First, let’s understand what Google actually wants -

Check out these statements by Googlers on Twitter and Mastodon.

create content that google loves

It is safe to say that Google doesn’t care who writes the content as long as it is FOR the people.

Automatically generated content is considered spam because it does not have the authority or EQ to connect with users, thus making for a low-quality user experience.

Guidelines to get your content loved as given in the 2022 Helpful Content Update - 

If your content adheres to these guidelines then your content is safe from a penalty -

  • Will your established or targeted audience benefit from the information if they came to you directly?

  • Is your content clear in demonstrating first-hand expertise and depth of understanding (for example, expertise gained by using a product or service or visiting a location)?

  • Is there a primary goal or focus for your website?

  • Would somebody leave your content feeling they've learned enough about a topic to assist them to reach their goal?

  • Would somebody who reads your article feel satisfied with their experience?

  • Are you following the recommendations for core updates and product reviews?

In the End 

Quality content does matter, and it is all that Google cares about. The guidelines all come down to one simple rule - Good User Experience.

If your content is providing a good user experience, and value, Google will not penalise it. Remember automatically generated content is a problem if it is not human-moderated or does not have value for readers.

Cloud Media's SEO team is constantly keeping up with the latest trends in automation and AI. Reach out to us if you have questions on how this affects your business or how we can help you implement this or our many marketing services into your business.

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